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產(chǎn)品展示 / products 您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 離心玻璃棉系列 > 玻璃棉板 > 1700*1200離心玻璃棉板價(jià)格5厘米/15931612837詢價(jià)



The boards produced with glass wool by formation thr







The boards produced with glass wool by formation through curing by applying pressure and heating after applying thermosetting cement are suitable for use in heat preservation and sound insulation in air ducts of different size of air conditioners and other equipment. Veneering like aluminum foil can be applied to the surface. The boards preserve heat efficiently, absorb vibration and sound. They are light in weight, resistant to fire. 
Adapting the advanced centrifugal blowing process, Company produces glass wool blanket rolls, glass wool boards and compound materials with adapting the advanced centrifugal blowing process for heat preservation of wall body, providing for different requirements of heat preservation of different types of walls. These materials are characterized by their economical and easy execution of works and excellent performance.  glass wool can be used in heat preservation and thermal insulation of train carriages and carriage body of air conditioned buses.
In consideration of the customers’ need for insulation and absorption of sound and reduction of noise, Company provides the customers with several kinds of products including glass wool felt in rolls and compound materials which are widely used for partition walls. These products not only reduce noise and absorb sound but also are easy to work at in execution of works. They are light and thin, sparing more space to the rooms as useful floorage.


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平阴县| 武川县| 新邵县| 保山市| 汝城县| 大化| 城步| 北票市| 苏州市| 台南市| 普安县| 基隆市| 江永县| 青龙| 南汇区| 虹口区| 波密县| 乌什县| 定襄县| 东莞市| 宁波市| 句容市| 仲巴县| 宜兰市| 浦江县| 勃利县| 安顺市| 陇川县| 博白县| 罗定市| 怀化市| 托克逊县| 津市市| 阳信县| 江都市| 大余县| 广宗县| 广州市| 武穴市| 江油市| 泰顺县| http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444